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A Surrey Parish in the Weald to the Year 2000 is a fascinating book about the history of Capel.

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Capel Parish Council News

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Event News

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Sport News

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Gatwick News

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About Capel

Capel is a village in southern Surrey, southeastern England, situated about 6 miles south of Dorking alongside the A24 road, and approximately 3 miles (5.5 km) from the West Sussex border. Neighbouring villages are Ockley, Coldharbour and Newdigate. The pub is called The Crown; there are also several shops, a church, St John the Baptist, a Friends Meeting House (see history below), an infant school, a garage, a cricket club and a tennis club. The village is served by Ockley railway station on the Mole Valley Line between Dorking and Horsham. A bus service runs to Dorking and Horsham.

Text taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capel%2C_Surrey